jQuery(document).ready(function(){ // for hover dropdown menu $('ul.nav li.dropdown').hover(function() { $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeIn(200); }, function() { $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeOut(200); }); // slick slider call $('.slick_slider').slick({ dots: true, infinite: true, speed: 500, slidesToShow: 1, slide: 'div', autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 2000, cssEase: 'linear' }); // slick slider2 call $('.slick_slider2').slick({ dots: true, infinite: true, speed: 500, autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 2000, fade:true, slide: 'div', cssEase: 'linear' }); //Check to see if the window is top if not then display button jQuery(window).scroll(function(){ if ($(this).scrollTop() > 300) { $('.scrollToTop').fadeIn(); } else { $('.scrollToTop').fadeOut(); } }); //Click event to scroll to top $('.scrollToTop').click(function(){ $('html, body').animate({scrollTop : 0},800); return false; }); }); wow = new WOW( { animateClass: 'animated', offset: 100 } ); wow.init(); // document.getElementById('moar').onclick = function() { // var section = document.createElement('section'); // section.className = 'section--purple wow fadeInDown'; // this.parentNode.insertBefore(section, this); // }; //